Blue Access for Employers

Required Steps

You must take steps to show how much your group health plans cost — and how they work — to meet ACA rules:

Don't forget to remind your new
employees about your state's
Health Insurance
Marketplace — in writing.
Sample notices are available for reference on the U.S.
Department of Labor website.

1. Show amounts paid on W-2 forms

List both the amount you've paid — and the worker has paid — for
the year's health coverage on W-2 forms.

Note: You don't have to list this if you filed less than 250 W-2 forms last year.

2. Give Summary of Benefits and Coverage

As of Sept. 23, 2012, your group health plan will need to give employees an easy-to-read outline of their coverage.

Since this is an overview, detailed information on this
topic — and more — is available.