Blue Access for Producers

BlueSCRIPT Electronic Claim Processing Service

Service Summary
BlueSCRIPT is an electronic claim processing service that can help members not covered by the Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois prescription drug card program eliminate paper claims and save money on prescription medication. To automatically receive the Blue Cross and Blue Shield pharmacy discount, members simply present their medical ID card to a contracting pharmacy at the time of purchase. After the member pays for the prescription medication at the discounted amount, the contracting pharmacy submits the claim electronically. Members will then receive an Explanation of Benefits and/or reimbursement.

Contracting Pharmacies
Blue Cross and Blue Shield has contracted with more than 99 percent of the pharmacies in Illinois and more than 56,000 pharmacies nationwide to obtain discounts for members. This contractual arrangement may lower the price members pay for prescription drugs. Any cost savings can then be passed on to employers through lower claim costs.

Mail Service Prescription Drug Program
BlueSCRIPT also allows members to take advantage of the mail service benefit to purchase maintenance medication. Members can have their maintenance medications conveniently delivered to their home.